Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ich glaube ich kann....

Ya know...I think I just might actually be able to speak this language. I’m no where near perfect, but maybe I should be a little more confident. Yesterday I had an audition in a tiny tiny town in Germany. It turned out to be a rather well respected summer festival (who knew?). I was able to not only conduct my audition in German, but make small talk, and poke fun at myself too. It went something like this:

Director: If we cast you as Clorinda, you’re too pretty! Don Ramio would pick you over Cinderella! 
Me: Oh no sir. I can be really ugly if I want to (makes funny face) and I sang this piece over 200 times in the states.
Director: 200 times?
Me: Yes. For kids. We went from school to school and sang Cinderella for kids across the country, and I promise you, give me a “unibrow” and a mustache like a hairy old sicilian woman and I’m super ugly.   
Director: (Hysterical laughter) 
Me: Sorry, I don’t know that word in german, Unibrow? Hair here, between the eyes. 
(Laughs all around)
Me: I also make a really ugly old lady. I was Berta at Opera Colorado and I promise you, I was supper ugly. There’s a picture of this on my website. 
Director: Ach so! 
Me: Yes sir! With the right makeup and a funny walk, I promise Don Ramiro will go for Cinderella. 

Ok, maybe it wasn’t actually that smooth auf Deutsch, but I got my points across. We also chatted about how pretty it was there, that I am outdoorsy, and want to see the local castle, where I’m studying Germany, how long I’ve studied German and on and on and on. If I get this gig- awesome. If not, who cares! For the first time ever I don’t feel petrified about talking! I am so happy to know that I can make decent small talk in German. Though, I think I might be funnier in German....weird. 

(A snowy morning here in Berlin)

Now I have a few days to catch my breath, here in Berlin, hopefully have a lesson and coaching before I start classes at the Goethe Institute :-) Oh, and another audition over the weekend....back in Munich. Never a dull moment!  

I’ve started a list of things I like/ don’t like about Germany. So far it looks like this:

Things I like about Germany
  1. Döner & Dürüm. Cheap, somewhat healthy tastiness. 
  2. That it’s totally normal to stop at 3pm for a Cafe & Kuchen. Who needs a real lunch when there’s caffein and sugar? 
  3. The bread here is AMAZING! Really dense, but just what I want on a cold cold day. 
  4. English borrowings: Kein Stress baby! 
  5. Reliable public Transit
  6. Beer- it is delicious, and completely acceptable to drink whnever and wherever you want. Wanna take that beer on the subway? Kein Stress, it’s your Wegbier. A little hungover? You better have a Breakfast-beer. 
  7. No preservatives in my food. Living “high fructose corn syrup” free feels amazing.
  8. Beer- it is cheaper than water. 
  9. Trying to speak to other foreiners in German....when they barley speak german themselves. Hilarious! 
  10. Watching the Simpsons & Family Guy in German. Ausgezeichnet. 
  11. Schlager. Say what you will, these songs are catchy as hell and I love a room of drunks arm in arm singing along with strangers to silly songs that make no sense i.e. There is a horse int he hallway ein Pferd auf dem Flur
Things I do NOT like about Germany
  1. The toilets. They are practically waterless...so they are extra stinky. Think your sh*t doesn’t stink? Think again! 
  2. Germans, you should really eat your vegetables. No. Really. I want to eat more vegetables & hippie food. 
  3. No mexican restaurants :-( Sigh. Mama Mexico will be my first stop in NYC. I want to dive into a swimming pool of guacamole. 
Tschüß- I've got music to learn! 


  1. On The Don't Like List:

    3.) Check out one of the Latin/Mexican-style Steakhouses - also, any sort of fancier looking cocktail-bar with a Spanish name should have all sorts of Mexican dishes, don't know about Berlin, but in Köln/Bonn/Koblenz I could name a dozen places of the top of my head...

    2.) If you conduct thorough archeological research on your plate of German food you should be able to detect micro elements of vegetables scrunched under your meat or drowned in the heavy sauce...

    3.) Guilty...very embarrasing

  2. A friend sent me this link: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/05/23/travel/23heads.html I am a very happy girl :-D
